Okay, so it's been awhile since I posted. Sorry. My excuses are writing related - I'm under an 8-1 deadline for my next Nocturne, another Pack story - AND - I just got revisions on my next Fae book, due back June 30th. Plus there's the day job and... YIKES!!!
Anyway, the one bright spot in all of this work (fun yes, but work too,) is my upcoming Alaskan cruise. My hubby and I are sooo excited (and look for a future Pack book set in Alaska.)
My mother and grown daughter are taking turns house and dog-sitting. Yes, I'm bringing the laptop and the Alphasmart Neo (and the digital camera,) since I can't take time off from the deadline book. But the revisions should be done and gone by then. Yay.
Also in late July in the National Conference of Romance Writers of America. It's in Atlanta this year and I'll be signing both The Princess's Secret Scandal and Lone Star Magic on Wed, July 26th. If you're in the area, please stop by!
Until next time....
Anyway, the one bright spot in all of this work (fun yes, but work too,) is my upcoming Alaskan cruise. My hubby and I are sooo excited (and look for a future Pack book set in Alaska
My mother and grown daughter are taking turns house and dog-sitting. Yes, I'm bringing the laptop and the Alphasmart Neo (and the digital camera,) since I can't take time off from the deadline book. But the revisions should be done and gone by then. Yay.
Also in late July in the National Conference of Romance Writers of America. It's in Atlanta this year and I'll be signing both The Princess's Secret Scandal and Lone Star Magic on Wed, July 26th. If you're in the area, please stop by!
Until next time....