Tuesday, October 23, 2007

Diet Post - A Day Late

Ooops - Monday got past me. I'm on deadline for two sets of revisions, plus short-staffed at the day job. Sorry. End result, broken-toe lady (moi) didn't lose any weight. Didn't gain any either (big sigh of relief). I even sinned and ate a Chili's Swiss and Mushroom Burger on Saturday night. What can I say? I haven't had a hamburger in soooo long, and salads and chicken and fish can only take me so far.

The Silhouette Romantic Suspense book that I'm revising - Black Sheep PI - is going well. I'm very pleased with the direction and shape of the story. Once I turn it in (on Friday), I have to finish revisions on my next Pack book (Dance of the Wolf). Then - joy! I get to write the new Pack Book, working title WILD WOLF. My editor emailed yesterday to let me know the Senior approved the synopsis.

So I'm busy and happy and need to get back to work. Until next time!

Monday, October 15, 2007

Diet - Week 3

Weigh day. I didn't lose any weight this week. Uggh. But I didn't exercise all last week, even though I stuck to the calorie counting etc. The broken toe makes exercise difficult, though my daughter pointed out I could do upper body stuff and crunches (yuck!)

I've also got massive revisions on two books - one which is due in two weeks, so I need to work on that at night as well as mornings (and this past weekend, beautiful weather - I spent the days inside in front of my computer).

Ah well - anyone else do better on their diet?

Oh, before I forget - I will be guest blogging October 19th on Lucy Monroe's blog. Stop by and say hi if you get a chance.

Tuesday, October 09, 2007

Merle's Door, Post 2

Ted Kerasote - you are breaking my heart. Oh, not you personally, but your book. Granted, any time you read a dog book, you know the dog is going to die. After all, they have such short lives. Marley and Me by J. Grogan - I wept.
But Ted's dog Merle in Merle's Door - okay, I cheated. I went to the website. Looked at the photo-documentary of Merle's life. I haven't even finished the blasted book, but I'm dreading what is surely coming. I'd better be reading at home, not in public (like the doctor's office) because I'll be boo-hooing.

I've lost dogs over the years and mourned them all, but there are a few dogs that are so special... Merle was one such dog to Mr. Kerasote. He had a wonderful life, a happy life, dare I say the PERFECT life for a dog. Ah, but I can see how much his partner Ted will miss him. I don't know how long ago Merle died, but I feel safe to say that Ted misses him still with an ache that never quite goes away.

I'm going to finish reading the book, of course. I'm going to cry. And I'll never, ever forget the reading experience. Such a bond is to be both envied and celebrated. Congratulations, Ted Kerasote. You are one of the lucky few.

Monday, October 08, 2007

Diet update

Hey, it's Monday! I didn't forget. And yes, I lost another pound. Also, I broke my toe. Not sure how I'm going to exercise. Will keep you posted.

How about you?

Wednesday, October 03, 2007

Dog books

You know, I love dog books. I've read Marley and Me by John Grogan. I adore Cesar Millan - own his Cesar's Way and just purchased his new book, Be the Pack Leader. I'm currently reading a fascinating book called Merle's Door - Lessons from a Freethinking Dog by Ted Kerasote. I went to Mr. Kerasote's webpage today and the slide show of Merle had me tearing up - and I haven't even finished the book.
Maybe because my own dogs are so special to me. Amazing personalities. One of my mini-Schnauzers Mitchell, watches TV. He loves to see dog videos on You Tube and can even see dogs in magazines. I've never had a dog that could do that.
In Merle's Door, one of the things that got me was the author mentioning how Merle could comment "ha ha ha" by panting. I've had dogs that communicated that way - my Border Collie (now deceased) Cody was nicknamed Roe Roe for his way of saying that. My young boxer Mac makes his own sounds, "Meh Meh" is one of them, and he has a rumbly kind of rowwwwl he does when he thinks he's not getting enough attention.
Anyway, I'm enjoying the books. Quite different than fiction, which I need sometimes.

So what kind of non-fiction books do you enjoy?

Monday, October 01, 2007

Diet - Week One

Ok, it's Monday. As promised, here I am. I think I did well all week - didn't eat out even ONE time (used to eat out Wed thru Sat!) I exercised 5 times in 7 days (treadmill, 30 minutes). Cut waaay back on my alcohol consumption (except this weekend - kind of blew it then!) Counted calories all week and kept my calorie intake around 1200.

And the scale revealed - I lost one pound. One crappy pound. Sheesh. Ok, but that's better than nothing. And, as my husband pointed out, if I lose a pound a week, in ten weeks I will have lost ten pounds. Right?