Monday, March 26, 2007

Life Intrudes

Ok, so I suck as a blogger. It's been almost THREE months (worse than usual) since I stopped by. I'm sorry. As usual. But between the day job (one employee quit, another came back, and I hired a new person whom I have to train), and the editor on maternity leave (miss you Tashya!), and the deadlines and copy edits and spring cleaning, and daughter buying her first house - it's been Craaazy!

But I'm close to finishing up DANCE OF THE WOLF - perhaps the most "different" of my Pack books to date. And the Romantic Times Convention is coming up again - less than a month away, and in my home state to boot. So I'll be seeing many of you soon.

My boxer pup is eight months old and over 60 lbs! He's gorgeous and smart and loving - can you tell I'm prejudiced ? I'm going to hit my 8th years as VP of Trucker's First ( and my tenth year as a published author! Milestones all, but none as momentous as my 20th anniversary with my beloved husband Lonnie! And 25 years together - a quarter of a century!

In the meantime, check out my MYSPACE ( and happy reading!


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